James webb space telescope 😍

James Webb Space Telescope ●Launch - 25 december 2021 from French Guiana also called as Europe's Spaceport. Courtesy: NASA ●Time to reach in orbit - James webb telescope has started its journey on 25 december 2021 and took one month to reach its destination[L2 point]. Successfully it reached on 24 january 2022. ●Budget - $10 billion. The reason why it is so expensive and costly to nasa is that nasa and its supportive companies spent alomost 2 decades in building and testing each and every single instrument used in the telescope to make it the most succesful telescope ever. Nasa performed almost 300 potential failures tests. Courtesy : NASA Featuring Articles 💙 Mission Mangal ●Which lights it can see? Infrared light. Planets emits a variety of rays which includes infrared, X-rays{earth and mars}, gamma rays etc. Infrared is one among them which can be detected through the se...